Pronunciation of (ح، ه) Letter ح. The pronunciation of ح can vary depending on the dialect of Arabic being spoken. In Modern Standard Arabic, it is pronounced as a voiceless pharyngeal fricative, which means that the sound is made by constricting the back of the throat and allowing air to pass through to create a raspy, guttural sound.

La tā' marbuta (tā ligada) es una ligadura entre la consonante "H" con los puntos diacríticos de la consonante "T" para formar una vocal llamada fatha, es decir una /-a/ .Palabras como carta/mensaje (رِسَالَة) se pronuncia risāla.Históricamente, tāʼ marbūṭa se pronunciaba con el sonido /t/ en todas las posiciones, pero ahora el sonido /t/ se elimina en las posiciones de coda.

Moving on to our twenty sixth letter of the Arabic alphabet (ه), we will look at various words beginning with (ه) along with more culture/language related facts.Let's begin with looking at your four different forms of the letter ه.. Initial هـ, as in the word "هَواء" meaning "air".. Medial ـهـ , as in the word "سَهْل" meaning "easy".