Construction of CC Road form Chhatnag Road to 16 MLD STP and 50 KLD FSTP (Co-Treatment Plant) Jhunsi, Prayagraj Under Mahakumbh 2024-25 [Open Date : 14/12/2024] [860 KB] Language: English ; Operation of Electrical and Mechanical equipment including removal and disposal of chocking materials garbage etc. at 10 MLD Kalimandir sewage pumping station, …
Police Bhawan, 6th floor, 4th Tower, near EKANA Stadium, Gomti Nagar Vistar, Lucknow E-mail : [email protected], [email protected] Headed By SP. History. A gradual development of the State Crime Record Bureau took place from time to time in U.P. Police.
2.1 Agricultural Growth in Uttar Pradesh. The state's agricultural growth has been lower than the all-India average in most years. In the period between 2005–06 and 2018–19, the agricultural growth rate was 3.0% per annum (at 2011–12 constant prices) while the all-India average rate of growth was 3.6% per annum (Fig. 7.2).However, agricultural growth in Uttar …